Inhaling Fresh Air In 13 Jogja Tourism Villages

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Tugu Jogja Indonesia

Visiting and vacationing to the tourist village you can enter into the list while on vacation to Yogyakarta with beloved family. With a relatively small area, Yogyakarta is able to provide many alternative places to visit the best tours.

One of the favorite destinations today is a destination that can provide a different experience from a vacation to the middle of the city, the village tour. There are dozens of villages that the government sets up as a tourist village. Each village gives its own advantages and trademarks.

We will introduce you, a list of various tourist villages in Yogyakarta, taken from various districts such as Sleman, Bantul, Gunungkidul, even Kulon Progo, your holiday recommendations with the family.

Tourism Village Brayut

The first village we will introduce is DesaBelanja Brayut. The village located in Brayut, Pandowoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta is an agriculture-based agriculture village. The unspoiled village atmosphere will make you feel the coolness of nature. Especially in this village there is an outbound place.

Visiting Brayut Village, you will feel instantly how to become a villager complete with all his routines such as planting rice, plowing the fields, catching fish directly in the pond, and bathing in a clear river. In addition to farming you can also learn to make batik and learn to play the gamelan.

Tourism Village Kembang Arum

The next tourist village is Arum Flower Tourist Village. Village tourism that carries the concept of educational or educational tourism village is located in Kembang Arum, Donokerto, Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta. There is a fishing pond facility and a natural swimming pool just for you.

In addition, a visit to this village you should bring family, especially children, because in the Tourism Village Arum Flower provided learning art, culture and natural environment. So they can learn to paint with the accompaniment of the rushing water of the river and birds chirping.

Kelor Tourism Village

This tourist village is located in Kelor, Bangun Kerto, Turi, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Special Region. This tourist village is very beautiful and still awake its natural beauty. The village provides campsites and a variety of exciting rides, such as games made of rubber, bridges made over the pool, to flying fox games.

Kelor Tourism Village also offers Joglo house for you who want to stay at Joglo house. As we know that Joglo house is a typical home of traditional Yogya people, this traditional house made of teak wood of choice. If you visit here, you will feel the sensation of staying at home Joglo.

Gilangharjo Tourism Village

Having previously known the existing tourist village in Sleman regency, this time we will introduce Gilangharjo tourist village destination which is in Gilangharjo, Pandak, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta.

In the village Gilangharjo, you can enjoy Outbond while learning to paint masks, puppets and even learn to make batik. You can also watch traditional art performances such as masked gamelan performances, karawitan, Jedhog Lesung by local mothers who sing the strains of wood over 100 years old.

Candran Tourism Village

The next tourism village in Bantul is Candran Tourism Village. This village is famous as an international farming village, we can even learn to farm together with foreign tourists. This pretty village is located in Mandingan Hamlet, Kebonagung, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Uniquely Candran Tourism Village has a museum that stores a variety of traditional farming equipment such as luku, garu, singkal, kejen, sidewalk, lading and caping as well as various other traditional farming equipment.

Kasongan Tourism Village

Who does not know this tourist village. Located in Kajen hamlet, Bangunjiwo Village, Kasihan District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. This tourist village is very famous unique, because the concept offered is different from other villages. Kasongan Tourism Village carries the concept of manufacturing of pottery and ceramics industry.

The village loves fine art, if you come here you will see a row of gallery houses that offer handicraft items from pottery as well as from other materials such as jars, decorative lamps, flower pots, miniature transfortasi tools (rickshaws, bicycles, cars).

Nglanggeran Tourism Village

Turning to Gunungkidul Regency, there is a pretty tourist village that is Nglanggeran Tourism Village located in Nglanggeran, Patuk, Gunungkidul Yogyakarta. This tourist village offers a live in program in the homes of local residents. This beautiful tourist village provides a chance for tourists to interact with local residents.

Tourism Village with the concept of Community Based Tourism was once selected as the best tourist village by Asean Community Bases Tourism Award 2017. You can learn the culture of Nglanggeran Village, batik mask, make work from janur, learn traditional dance Jathilan and Reog, plant rice in paddy fields and etc.

Bejiharjo Tourism Village

Bejiharjo Tourism Village is located in Karangmojo, Gunungkidul district. Tourism Village is very rich in culture, history, education and even tourism. In this village there are archaeological sites of Sakoliman, a heritage of ancient human history. There is also a center of blangkon kerajinann, and there is also a very rare culture of Wayang Beber.

This tourist village is very beautiful, there are 12 natural Goal which all have uniqueness. Slah is the only Goa Pindul. This gorgeous cave in it contains the largest, largest, and most active stalastite as well as the panoramic panoramic walls of Goa. Goa Pindul is often used as a favorite tourist destination of tourists.

Kalibiru Tourism Village

Who does not know this tourist village? This village is often used as a favorite tourist attraction to take beautiful pictures, the article of this village offers a very beautiful hill stretch with a green expanse standing on a hill above the Sermo reservoir located in the hills Menoreh Kulonprogo.

This tourist village is located Kalibiru, Hargowilis, Kokap, Kulonprogo. Because of the interesting attractions in this beautiful Kalibiru there are photographers and photographers who are ready to capture your photos at the height of the hill Kalibiru.

Nglinggo Tourism Village

Nglinggo Tourism Village is located in Kelurahan Pagerharjo, Samigaluh Sub-district, Kulonprogo. This village offers a variety of natural charms such as, Tea Garden, Forest Pine, Waterfall Up. Not only nature tourism. Nglinggo is also rich with cultural tourism. You can learn to dance Lengger, Jathilan, make a mask, to make batik.

Study Tour Jogja Tourism Village

How interested are you to visit the above mentioned tourist village? If you are interested you can visit any tourist village you want to visit in accompanied by family or friends.

Well, if you are confused and want to be practical when traveling to these beautiful tourist villages, you should hire a guide service that provides tour study packages.

If you do intend to use the service guide, you can directly contact us. Of course we provide complete facilities such as transportation, lodging, food and guide that will accompany and tell your trip. We are ready to serve and provide the best for you. 

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