Barong Temple; Waiting for the Twilight Among the Terrace Temple

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Barong Temple

Another Hindu temple in the province of Yogyakarta, namely Barong Temple. Located in the hills of Candi Sar, the temple complex stands not far from the temple complex Ratu Boko.

More precisely in the Southeast of Ratu Boko Temple or more details, Barong Temple addressed in Candisari Village, Sumberejo Village, Prambanan Sub-district, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Barong Temple was rediscovered in the 20th century, which was about 1913 by the Dutch when it was expanding for sugar cane fields. Initially, Barong Temple was found in a collapsed condition.

The restoration of Barong Temple was first performed in 1987 and the main building of Barong Temple was completed in pugar in 1992. It is said that the restoration is quite difficult because the condition of the temple has collapsed.

Building Complex

How to Get to Barong Temple

Located in the same hills with Ratu Boko temple, the hills of Batur Agung. Barong Temple stands at an altitude of 199 meters above sea level. Not far from Barong Temple there is another temple also like Banyunibo Temple.

The entrance of Barong Temple is located on the western side of the building. Once inside, we are welcomed with a three-story building. At the first and second level there is no temple, but only the ruins.

On the second level has a fairly wide yard, before reaching the next floor. Visitors will be greeted with a pair of Paduraksa gates that flank the stairs to the third level.

Going up to the third level or the highest level we will find a shrine that is supposedly used to worship Lord Vishnu and also Dewi Sri.

Barong temple building has no entrance so the worship procession is estimated to be done outdoors. Each building has an area of ​​8.18mx8,18m with a height of 9.05 m.

After completing the restoration of the Main Temple building in 1992, continued with the restoration of the talud and fence. During the Restoration, many objects found at the time.

The Discovery of the Medhang Kingdom Heritage

Barong Temple in Jogja Indonesia

As already said, above the Barong Temple was found in a state of collapse and almost unrecognizable. At the time of digging Barong Temple found objects of the kingdom Medang.

For example like the statue of Lord Vishnu and Arca Dewi Sri also Arca Ganesha. Also found some box sharper made of andesite rock and white rock.

In each of the boxed boxes found there were several silver and gold sheets that had a writing on it. Unfortunately, any posts on silver or gold sheets can not be read.

In addition to found peripih sheets found also some equipment used in antiquity. Such as ceramic bowls, arrowheads, jars and spoons to eat.

Privileges Barong Temple

Barong Temple entrance fee

If Prambanan Temple prefers the Shiva Temple in the form of architecture and gods in the worship. In contrast to Barong Temple which put forward the existence of Lord Vishnu.

With the discovery of the statue of Lord Vishnu and also the statue of Dewi Sri who is believed to be the wife of Lord Vishnu. Show that the construction of Barong Temple aims to worship Lord Vishnu.

In addition to these other features of Barong Temple is the use of terraced system or steps in the side of the building is considered different from other temples during the Medang empire.

If usually the temple in the Medang Kingdom put a place of worship at the Central Temple Complex. Barong Temple Precisely prefer East side building as a place of worship.

The structure of the stairs used Barong temple of indigenous culture of Indonesia. Syncretic pattern in Barong temple building seen from the discovery of Dewi Sri statue at the time of excavation of Barong Temple.

Headdress of Barong Temple has the privilege of Kalla statue and Makara decoration in every curve of Barong Temple. The two decorations are the reason for this Temple is called as Barong Temple.

Well the most admired by the visitors of Barong Temple is Spot enjoy the very beautiful sunset from the Barong Temple yard.

Located not far from the temple of queens boko do not be surprised if then Temple Barong has beautiful scenery of twilight like the view of Dusk at ratu boko temple.

Please note that although it has a view that is not less beautiful than ratu boko temple, but Barong Temple has one important thing to consider as a rival ratu boko temple.

That is the fact that Barong Temple entrance fee is much cheaper than the entrance fee of ratu boko temple. If you have to spend Rp25.000 to Rp100.000 to visit Ratu Boko Temple.

So in Barong Temple you only need to spend money of Rp2.000. Only with Rp2.000 you can enjoy the beauty of Barong Temple and the sensation of the sunset in the afternoon.

In addition, Barong Temple tours also tend to be quiet from visitors. So for you who love berswafoto hobby can enjoy every corner of Barong Temple without disturbing other visitors.

You may also feel the sensation of having a temple like yourself. How, one lucrative tourist offer is not it?

Barong Temple Study Tour Service

Location Barong Temple

Because of the location of Barong Temple that has not been reached by many people. Maybe you will experience a little trouble to achieve it. For that there is no harm in you using the services of a tour guide.

Using the services of a tour guide you can arrange a great time to visit Barong Temple. Especially if you want to visit when the sun will set.

Do not forget to use the services of a trusted tour guide so that your travel becomes enjoyable and memorable. For that you can use the services of a tour guide as follows.

If you use the services of a tour guide make sure in addition to can arrange the schedule well there is also get information about the places you visit.

Especially if you are visiting historic places with your family who are still children and visiting with your students and entourage from school.

If you pay a visit to Barong Temple do not forget to keep clean and do not damage the temple building. In fact you have an obligation to preserve and preserve Indonesian culture.

Do not forget to capture your moment while in the area of ​​Barong Temple. Then share in your social media account so the people of Indonesia will be more familiar about the beauty of Barong Temple.

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