Enjoy 9 Challenges of Outbound Jogja

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Tugu Jogja di Jogjakarta
Source: http://jogjaupdate.com/uniknya-nama-geng-jogja-jaman-dulu/

Do you like outbound games? If you like this game there is no harm if you play in Yogyakarta. Besides famous for its culture, this gudeg city is also famous for its exotic tourism.

No one denies the natural beauty of Jogja. Lots of tourist destinations that Jogja offers to you the visitors. Moreover, now many tourist attraction in Jogja especially nature tourism equipped with Outbound facilities that you can use with colleagues, classmates and family.

Talking about Outbound, as you know that Outbound is a training program to improve Human Resource (SDM) by using game media conducted in the open.

Outbound activities are usually equipped with some games that can motivate to be more confident and can overcome all the fears that exist within the participants. This activity is worth trying because it is very useful for you.

This time, we will introduce an exciting Outbound in Yogyakarta city specially for you nature lovers. Incidentally Outbound in Jogja this many that offer a rural tourism system, this is what makes you can move again after following this Outbound. Here’s the Outbound Jogja challenge!

• Outbound Challenge at the Fascinating Mount Merapi Feet

Outbound this one you should try because of the beautiful scenery at the foot of Mount Merapi is very charming and charming. Located in Ledok Sambi Village, Pakem Sub-district, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta.

The Outbound challenge offered at the foot of Mount Merapi can really improve your adrenaline. Of course, also can provide benefits for you like Flying fox, Nitro cross, Flying bamboo, Acid pond and also kayak exciting and fun.

• Outbound Challenges at Jogja Prambanan Temple

If you visit Prambanan Temple, do not forget to play the challenging Outbound activities. If you are a Boy Scout boy this place is perfect for you. Large enough grounds around the temple area with an exciting Outbound game can restore your spirits.

Outbound participants in this venue can do some very fun games, have character formation, increase confidence, leadership, and improve the ability to work with the team. Like, Fun Games activities, Building teams and Company Gathering are exciting and challenging.

• Outbound Challenges in Goa Pindul and Enjoying Cave Tubing

Pindul Cave is an interesting destination that Jogja has to offer you. Located on Gunung Kidul, this cave offers beautiful views. Outbound in this place is different from Outbound other places. Here you can even do a unique Cave Tubing.

Cave Tubing is a cave crash activity that uses inner tubes or body rafting through a river located within the earth. In this place you can climb Cave Tubing while enjoying the scenery in the cave and drifting along the flow of underground rivers. This game can be done alone or in groups, and guided by experienced instructors.

• Outbound Challenges in Jogja Kelor Tourism Village

Jogja City offers a variety of unique tourist villages and one of interesting Kelor Tourism Village. This beautiful tourist village is located in Kelor Village, Bangun Kerto Subdistrict, Turi, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta.

This tourist village is very beautiful and still awake its natural beauty. The village provides campsites and a variety of exciting and challenging Outbound game rides, such as rubber games, an artificial bridge over the pool, to a challenging flying fox game.

• Outbound Challenge in Banyu Sumilir Jogja

Outbound in Banyu Sumilir you should try because Outbound in this place has many games, ranging from water games, land to air designed according to your needs as an Outbound participant. You must be challenged to follow this Outbound.

Banyu Sumilir is located in Sorowulan Tourist Village complex, Purwobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta. All Outbound games in this place have a purpose so that all participants can dig up, increase confidence and gain experience new to you.

• Outbound Challenges in Brayut Jogja Tourism Village

Tourist village ever used as a place of Nga Yogjazz performance is located in Brayut, Pandowoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This village is an agricultural based culture village. The unspoiled village atmosphere will make you feel the coolness of nature.

There is a pleasant outbound arena at Brayut Tourist Village. Outbound in this place is very useful for you who want to develop teamwork skills, skills, dexterity and even leadership.

In addition to providing exciting and challenging Outbound locations, the village provides village tour tours, and unique homestays and souvenirs such as old Javanese furniture and trinkets, as well as some traditional Javanese games.

• Outbound Challenges in Tourism Village of Jogja Pentingsari

This beautiful tourist village is located in Pentingsari, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. Located near Mount Merapi, this Pentingsari Tourist Village offers a unique package of farming tours. You will be taught how to grow rice, plow the rice fields, even taught how to catch good fish.

Outbound Tourism Village Pentingsari yogyakarta also provides batik packages, learning gamelan, karawitan, making puppets, dancing, and others. There are also other packages that are not less interesting such as mud soccer, learning stilts and more. The village also provides complete Outbound facilities ranging from homestay to even camping ground.

• Outbound Challenges in Jogja Gilangharjo Tourism Village

Gilangharjo Tourism Village which presents the concept of cultural theme of this area is located in Gilangharjo Village, Pandak, Bantul, DIY. In this village you can later learn to paint masks and puppets and learn to make batik at home of Mr. Dukuh local.

Gilangharjo Tourism Village is also available Outbound training game that exercises our creativity. In addition, entrepreneurship training is recommended to be implemented in tourist villages. In this village there are also various facilities in the form of waste making into unique and antique handicraft items. From this village you can learn a lot about crafts coming from secondhand and recycled.

Study Tour Various Outbound in Jogja

Interested to play Outbound in Jogja city? If you are interested, invite friends, friends or family to play Outbound together. For those of you who want to be practical and do not want complicated when traveling, you can take advantage of the guide that provides tour study packages to various places this Outbound Jogja.

If you do intend to use the service guide, you can directly contact us. We will provide information on how many entourage also what to prepare, we are willing to serve and provide the best for you.

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