Cerme Cave: A Natural Beauty Destination

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Cerme Cave
Source: https://bonvoyagejogja.com/gua-cerme-lorong-bawah-tanah-penghubung-bantul-dan-gunungkidul/

Cerme Cave, Yogyakarta, Central Java. Cave kok in pakek Pesona Alam anyway? Very scary! Perhaps, readers of Jogja Post will say like that because they do not know how beautiful Cerme Cave, until we give a brief review about Cerme Cave Natural Enchantment.

However, for this time the special lighting for Jogja Post readers will change the reader’s view of Jogja Post about the creepy Cerme Cave, becoming a point of attraction that the reader wants to visit.

Why ?! Because … Yuk! Follow us on for a brief discussion of the Cerme Cave.
One of the known historical legacies of the 1980s. Introduction to the name ‘mirror’ which means conversation.

A thing that becomes a benchmark, that this place is a place of historical heritage that exist in Indonesia. Relic in the period of entry of Islam in Java, led by Walisongo.

Based on the data obtained, Cerme Cave at the time was used by Walisongo to gather and talk about the spread of religion of Islam in Java. Especially Sunan Kalijaga.

He uses this cave to give lectures to the people living in the area around Gue Cerme with the style he uses in the context of integrating kebuadayaan with Islam.

In fact, with the Cerme Cave, the Walisongo talked about the construction of the Demak Mosque which now stands and becomes a place of worship by Muslims. It’s beautiful is not it?

Islam was born with a stop at Cerme Cave in Yogyakarta. A city full of stories and history that made the city special. In addition to some amazing places, the culture is also participated thumbs up.

With both destinations that give a plus, indirectly Yogyakarya become a city that can increase the country’s foreign exchange, because it maintains the luhurnya culture and historical heritage inherited in the city of Yogyakarta.

This place is suitable for students of History faculty who are writing some papers related to the historic relics that are still preserved by the local people.

By maintaining and developing it into regional autonomy with income-based tourism, is expected to provide its own charm. In addition to getting knowledge, also got a destination beauty loh readers Jogja Post. What is its beauty?

Charm Cerme Cave

Cerme Cave in Jogja
Source: http://jejakalamnusantara.blogspot.com/2013/01/gua-cerme.html

Cerme Cave has a lot of beauty that deserves to thumbs up. In addition to the history and also the culture that exists, Cerme Cave has an exotic point when dealing with the curvature of underground river water is worth to be traced. Gue Cerme, has a long bow with vertical and horizontal size with a length of 1.5 km.

Where, inside, there are several sacred spaces or places which include such as the meeting stage, zam zam water, mustoko, holy water, waji kaji, penduhuhan / paseban, heaven, grojogan sewu.

In addition, there are also water surveys, gamelan, rock gilang, rice barn, building sekakap, palace, stage, cave and hanging watu hanging and much more. And not just any visitors or tourists to touch objects or charm there.

In the adventure to the Cerme Cave, visitors or tourists must climb the stairs as high as 759 m. In addition to having a length of 1.5 km in the exit of the cave exit, Cerme Cave also has a water depth of about 1 to 1.5 meters.

And at the time of search, there are some places that require the visitors or tourists, down the curve of Cerme Cave river by walking while squatting.

Thus, the water position is at the size of the neck because the height of the cave has various variations; ranging from a height of 1 meter to 20 meters.

The more incoming, the visitors will be disugukan Cerme Cave beauty or point of destination. That is, the waterfall in it. Waterfalls that are there will flow swiftly during the rainy season arrives.

In fact, the water coming from the Cerme Cave is also used by local residents for watering by storing water first. Remember, the relics that can be utilized and closely related to the belief of the surrounding community about the religious system that has been applied there with the majority of adherents of Islam.

It will be difficult for visitors indeed. However, everything will be paid when the visitors can enjoy the beautiful atmosphere around with the panorama that has been served by Cerme Cave.

That is, Stalactites and Stalagmites are mutually fused and associated with gentle. Starting from sodastraw, flowstone, moonmilk, pillars to stalagtit a brilliant white like crystal. From the stalactite and stalagmite, the tourists are prohibited to touch for the sake of keeping the purity of stalactites and stalactites are still alive.

How? Still not interest to come to Cerme Cave? Beautiful really loh, udah dapet science. Uh, all adventure with stalactites and stalagmites that accompany. Delicious right? The way together too. More feel togetherness than corn-burning? : D

Cerme Cave has a land that can be erected tents by the visitors who want to stay there. While waiting for a moment where to trace the curves of water and also the detection of beauty in the cave mire, the visitors can see the beautiful fog surrounding the dashing of the mountains seen from a distance.

Before entering Cerme Cave, visitors can prepare by wearing light clothes. Avoid wearing heavy jeans or clothing when absorbing water.

Because, it will complicate the movement at the time against the flow of the river later. In addition to light clothes, the visitors also need, boots, helmets, and also a flashlight as a streetlight.

Why? Because the area to use for search is a muddy area. In addition, the tour guides only provide guideline restrictions until the visitors find the destination point sought.

Namely, the waterfall is in the cave. After that, the tour guide will return to the cave mouth. Well, for the visitors who are adventurous, must be turur trying to walk the cave streets to the exit of the cave. That’s where the flashlight will be used. Because, the more entering into, the more the light of the incoming sunlight.

In addition to helmets and boots used to protect the head from dead stalagmite or stalagmite formations and protect the feet from sharp objects, light clothing can help visitors to wade in the wind even when visitors or tourists have filled their stomachs before entering the cave and soaking in the water for hours.

The journey that can be taken by the visitors or tourists to get out of the mouth of the cave ranged around 3-5 hours. Because Cerme Cave is in two districts.

The entrance or commonly called Cerme Cave mouth is located in Dusun Srunggono, Selopamioro Village, Imogiri Sub-district, Bantul Regency and through to Ploso, Giritirto Village, Panggang Sub-district, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta which is the exit of Cerme Cave.

The Road to Goa Cerme Jogja Tour

Cerme Cave Indonesia
Source: http://www.wisatatiga.com/2016/01/gua-cerme-si-penyimpan-keindaha.html

Visitors or tourists can come by own vehicle, with a route about 22 km south of Jogja. If bringing a personal vehicle readers Jogja Post can follow the route Terminal Giwangan – Imogiri East Road – Imogiri – Selopamioro – Cerme.

Starting from the Imogiri area there are already directions to the cave. Later, readers Jogja Post just follow that direction. After the Selopamioro area the streets will climb so make sure the vehicles are used in top condition.

And, if the visitors choose to use public transport. Then, visitors can use the route from Giwangan terminal then, take public transportation route Jogja – Imogiri – Cerme.

After that readers Jogja Post must continue on foot or ride motorcycles to the Cerme Cave complex. Public transport will stop operating at 14.00 pm, so make sure readers Jogja Post not behind the last bus that will return to Jogja.

Entrance Ticket Goa Cerme Jogja

So want to try it. The price is not expensive? Kan said he had been processed as a tourist attraction. Automatic has entered the processing of regional autonomy that has been approved by the local community.

There must be a tariff drawn to enjoy the facilities provided. Oh, so the problem is the tariff? Just calm down. Here, there will be a speck of reviews regarding rates to be given to visitors or travelers. Both local and foreign tourists.

Admission price for Cerme Cave area: Rp 3,000 for normal days. Meanwhile, Rp 4,000 for the new year and Eid. Different facilities, so different tickets to buy.

For caving tickets / cave tour, the tourism provides a rate of Rp 3,000 and for the Guide of Rp 50,000 provided that the number of tourists under 14 people. If tourists who want to caving more than 14, then per person will be charged additional Rp 10,000.

If visitors forget to bring a helmet and flashlight, the tourism has provided helmet and flashlight with a fee of Rp 10,000

As a little information for readers of Jogja Post who want to visit Cerme Cave, It is better, bring more clothes to change. Because, Cerme Cave tour is synonymous with water tourism.

Thus, do not be surprised if it is required to bring a change of clothes and includes other equipment needed by special readers Jogja Post. Such as special drugs that require readers Jogja Post to consume.

Facilities at Gua Cerme

Cerme Cave Imogiri
Source: http://wisatareligidunia.blogspot.co.id/2016/06/gua-cerme-imogiri-bantul-yang-eksotis.html

Why there should be Caving, Guide, and others. Emangnya, it’s all different meaning ya kok until it must be different facilities?

Of course. It’s all different. Okay deh, for readers Jogja Post will provide additional explanation on some things still want to be known by readers Jogja Post.

In the search for the curves of the underground river and also the point of destination of Gue Cerme, the adventurers provide some terms used or commonly used as a form of ordinary activity conducted by most visitors or tourists.

Caving in Cave tour, has a description of safe procedures to enjoy the beautiful tour of the Cave being done. Or in another sense, the search of the cave in a custom manner tailored to the conditions of the sights.

Things that need to be done by the visitors or tourists, or also readers Jogja Post who want to visit and have the status of visitors or tourists is when outdoor activities.

Although guides and many other visitors who enter the cave without using equipment, Jogja Post readers should avoid or even do not follow their tracks.

Wear helmets and shoes to protect yourself from impact or puncture sharp objects. Assume that visitors who do not use helmets or shoes are regular visitors with the atmosphere of Cerme Cave.

For visitors or readers of Jogja Post who want to capture cave ornaments in the form of pictures, bring a dry bag to store the camera. Do not forget to bring a special or kanebo cloth that can be used to wrap a camera that can be used to clean the camera body from splashing water and mud.

Message from the author, it would be nice if before caving make sure the stomach is filled properly. Of course, with appropriate nutrition. Because this activity will drain energy. Moreover, a filled stomach can prevent colds due to too long wet-basahan in the cave.

When caving step carefully with the cave surface uneven. Some people who rush often fall into a hole or stumble a stone. This is why, the author explained earlier that using boots is important and important.

Because the ornaments in the Cerme Cave condition is still alive and good, it is not recommended to hold ornament cave in vain because it can damage.

In accordance with our previous explanation. Make sure also readers Jogja Post do not smoke and throw garbage in the cave. Because with such actions, indirectly, readers Jogja Post less support the preservation of Cerme Cave tour.

Cerme Cave; A Natural Beauty Destination

Cerme Cave Location, entrance fee
Source: http://bakpia25.com/apa-itu-bakpia-pathok-25/blog/air-terjun-dalam-tanah-gua-cerme-yang-mempesona

How? Still not sure about Cerme Cave tour? In addition to readers Jogja Post get knowledge about the city of stories that provide historical relics and the beauty of the destination point, Cerme Cave also provides novice photographers who want to learn to take angle oranamen-ornament in the Cerme Cave.

There, not only the true adventurers, the students, the students, or the photographers. But some models also make themselves as the object point of shooting there.

Why? Not clear? Okay, for readers of Jogja Post, We will explain what advantages other than what we described above.

Because the light can be there can purify the dark shades with little help from draplamp, this can make the beautiful nuances of the world of modeling that gives the impression of the mysterious dark feel.

The model’s haircut and a few sexy underwear, can also show some angles that can give birth to a picture and create a description.

From the description, it can expand into a story and add to the imagination of everyone who sees it.

From here, we can conclude together that the beauty of Cerme Cave can also be useful for writers in developing their imagination. However, everything still depends on every individual who sees it in the corner of which part.

How? Cool, right? Here, readers of Jogja Post get some advantages as a basic reason to visit the Cerme Cave. One of them is to meet with reliable photographers who can add insight readers Jogja Post.

In some other respects, you can also learn about the history of Indonesia’s education, the pleasure of the Cerme Cave destination and the thrill of an extream adventure with the possibilities that occur.

That is, the dark shades Cerme Cave and some stalactites or stalagmites that look creepy and baseball to come into contact with our bodies.

Then, what about lodging? Does the surrounding Cerme Cave provide lodging? The answer must be yes. Everything is complete.

Readers Jogja Post just choose, which hotel is in demand. Because, around the Cerme Cave tour has lined the hotel with various tariffs. Customize the facilities that suit the tastes of readers Jogja Post, or visitors who want to vacation there.

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