Krebet Village; The Only Place of Wooden Batik Craftsmen

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Krebet Village Jogja

It’s no wonder if Jogja is special. Because the city offers a variety of tourist destinations are interesting both historical destinations, culture, crafts and even nature. The city is very famous both by local and foreign tourists.

City gudeg is always crowded with visitors every year. Moreover Yogyakarta city government often update its villages become tourist village. There are dozens of tourist villages on offer by the city of Jogja. Each has its own uniqueness.

This time we will offer an interesting tourist village destination for your visit. This tourist village has uniqueness compared to other villages. This village is a wooden batik craftsman. Wooden batik became the main source of income as well as the icon of Krebet Tourism Village. Here’s a review of Krebet Tourism Village!

Know the History of Krebet Tourism Village

Speaking of the Krebet Tourism Village was once a stretch of forest located on the slopes of Slarong and not yet possible to be a place to live, gradually from communities across the east and west trying to open the forest for agricultural land.

One of the ancestors of the village of Krebet named Kasem, at that time tried to open the forest in Slarong. He also worked on the fields in the place. To name the place he left, he named Krebet taken from the Krebet tree that grows in the forest.

This Krebet tree is still there and awake, precisely located near the studio Punowakan and in Sendang Tirto Waluyo You will find the Legendary tree of this Krebet Tourism Village.

This village of Krebet is a barren land of limestone. At first Krebet villagers rely on agriculture as the main source of livelihood. However, as agricultural activities are seasonal, local people develop other skills to make handicraft items from batik wood.

Location Krebet Tourism Village

Krebet tourism village is located in Hamlet Krebet, Sendangsari Village, District Pajangan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Located in Bukit Selarong, renowned as the hermitage of Prince Diponegoro, Krebet is bordered by Guwosari Village, Triwidadi and Bangunjiwo.

The Charm of Wooden Batik Krebet Village Village

Krebet Tourist Village

This beautiful village has its own uniqueness than others. If you usually know batik drawn on the fabric, then batik produced by Krebet Hamlet is on the wood. A thing that can make you curious about Krebet.

Creative Krebet residents successfully utilize wood as a medium for batik to be able to produce beautiful works of high value that have artistic value and much in demand by tourists in the country and abroad.

The process of batik with wood media will certainly require its own skills, very different from batik on cloth. The pattern is quite difficult because it is made manually, not printed and of course batik with wood media requires a high level of accuracy.

Wooden batik motifs offered Krebet Tourism Village is very diverse as parangbarong motif, kawung, parangrusak, garuda, sidorahayu, sidomukti, along with other motifs. Various motifs offered are very unique and beautiful, and of course has a high aesthetic value.

Not only wooden batik crafts are offered. Krebet Tourism Village also produces other handicraft products such as, masks, puppets, wardrobes, household accessories, wooden sculptures, jewelry boxes and other wooden batik decoration with price ranges from cheap to millions.

In addition, the craft from Krebet Tourism Village also offers bamboo and wood furniture, sungging, wooden tile, and some small scale crafts such as kitchen knives, irus, and even woven mats.

Many works of crafts produced by this Krebet Tourism Village. In addition, in this village there are forty studio to practice wooden batik. The villagers are so friendly that you do not have to worry about visiting Krebet Village.

Tradition Ceremony Merti Krebet Tourism Village

Krebet Tourism Village was still thick with its unique custom. Krebet residents regularly organize a ceremony Merti Hamlet Krebet. This ceremony is a form of gratitude to Krebet citizens to God Almighty over the abundant of the earth.

This ceremony took place with the gunungan mountains containing staple food and along the road Krebet village by the residents who bring ubo rampe kenduri. After the mount is paraded to the pendapa, the gunungan is handed over to the elders to pray, then the gunungan is distributed to the citizens by means of seizure.

Cultural Arts Village Krebet Tourism

Krebet Tourism Village is very rich in culture. There are several arts and cultural events that often appear in Krebet Tourism Village, such as Jathilan, Karawitan and even Sekat Ali Mocopot which is very famous in the village.

Jathilan is an art that unites dances and magical powers. The dancers will usually be possessed by a subtle spirit so as to move to the rhythm of music and eat sharp objects such as razor blades or glass without experiencing pain.

Karawitan is also a cultural art found in this Krebet Tourism Village. Highest tasteful music art in the world and only available in Indonesia. In this place, you can learn karawitan directly to the experts.

While Sekat Ali Mocopot is a traditional Javanese song that is commonly played in the Majapahit and Demak Kingdom. This art is a song sung according to the books of the New Mataram period.

Krebet Tourism Village Tour of Jogja

Are you interested to visit this Grogol Tourism Village? For those of you who come from outside the region or just want to just feel the life in the countryside and learn wooden batik, do not worry about how the preparation of lodging and others. Now, in this Tourism Village has provided homestay that can be ordered at the tour manager.

During a vacation here, you can stay or stay temporarily for a few days in this Krebet Tourism Village, especially for those who like adventure will certainly find many new things about life outside the city life.

To facilitate your travel and needs, it is better if you take advantage of the guide that provides tour study package to this Krebet Tourism Village. Well, if you do intend to use the service guide, you can directly contact us.

Of course we provide complete facilities in the form of transportation, lodging, food and guide that will accompany and recount your trip during this Krebet Tourism Village. In addition, you can invite your entourage to vacation here.

You just contact us and provide information on how many groups also what to prepare, we are willing to serve and provide the best for you.

That’s the charm of Krebet Tourism Village, Already There is a picture is not it? It will not hurt if you visit this Tourism Village.

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