Teletubbies Village; Playground which Fun For Your Child

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Teletubbies Village

Yogyakarta city that has no saturation to visit, there are always innovations and creations from its inhabitants. Gudeg city is famous by tourists in the country and foreign tourists.

Visiting Yogyakarta, means visiting the city of culture, student city, culinary city and tourist city. When entering the holiday season this city must be packed with tourists. If you have the opportunity to visit Yogyakarta especially when visiting Prambanan Temple do not forget to stop by Teletubbies Village.

Of course you still remember the famous cartoon series Teletubbies in the year in the 2000s right? Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Lala, and Po, who live in a unique house with half a ball or a dome are always remembered.

Apparently, in Yogyakarta there is a settlement that resident houses resemble the teletubies house. The complex of these houses is known as the Dome House Complex. But many people call it Teletubbies Village. Yes, this is because all the buildings are dome / domes.

Teletubbies Village is located in Nglepen Village, Sumberharjo Village, Prambanan Sub-district, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Village with home Teletubbies is used as a tourist village because of the unique shape of the house. Are you curious about this Teletubbies Village? Here will be explained more about Teletubbies Village, check this out !!

History of Teletubbies Village

Teletubbies Village in Jogja

Year 2006 is the year of grief for the citizens of Yogyakarta, of course, Indonesia still remember the earthquake that hit this tourist city. The earthquake with a strength of more than 5 on the Richter scale has resulted in almost all houses in Ngelepan village collapsed and can not be occupied anymore.

This has led the Government to cooperate with the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO) and The Domes for The World Foundation to provide housing assistance to the residents of Nglepen in September 2006. The construction cost of each dome house is around 80 million rupiah.

Domes for The World Foundation, a NGO from the US has turned out to have a home domes in many countries, such as Thailand, Kenya and India. Well, the dome houses in Yogyakarta is the first in Indonesia and of course the architecture of this house is designed to be earthquake resistant and fire resistant.

The sole donor of making this dome home is Ali Alabar, an owner of Emaar Property Dubai. The Teletubbies house was inaugurated by the Minister of Living Settlements, Prof. Dr. Alwi Sihab.

Teletubbies house was inaugurated on 29 April 2007. This new village was later named New Nglepen. Teletubbies village in Prambanan is the only complex that has a Dome house in Indonesia and also in Asia.

Facilities at Teletubbies Village

Teletubbies Village Entrance Fee

Unique home form makes Teletubbies Village is crowded by tourists. Most of them are curious about the contents of the dome house. Although the shape looks small, it turns out this dome house has some space ie living room, kitchen and bathroom.

Like the house in general, this dome house is divided into two floors. The upper floor consists of wood with a screw thread. When the heat is hot, the air at home done feels cool otherwise when the heavy rains the occupants will feel warm. Air ventilation is also available in this house.

Teletubbies village has a land area of ​​2 hectares. Each of these unique houses has a diameter of 7 meters with a height of 4.6 meters. Equipped with 2 doors, 4 windows with 2 rooms.

The dome house in Nglepen village is 80 houses, 71 of which are residential, 6 MCK, 1 mosque, 1 hall and 1 house for health clinic. Everything in the form of a Dome be it a mosque or health clinic.

Teletubbies Village has officially become one of Yogyakarta tourism destination. Therefore, additional facilities are also provided for tourists who come like, rides for children’s games are mini trains, swings, skateboard and seesaw.

On Sundays or holidays there will usually be clown teletubbies, so that tourists who visit can capture the moment with berselfie or take pictures with family and friends respectively.

The average visitor to visit this village Teletubbies because they want to see and go into the house to see the atmosphere of the house. Even this Teletubbies Village facilitates rooms to stay to interested visitors. They also provide campsites for visitors who want to camp near the Teletubbies home.

If you just want to visit without staying in this Village Teletubbies you will be charged Rp.3000 / person. As for you who are interested to spend the night in this village Teletubis you will only be charged Rp. 120,000 / person. Please note that all fees will be entered into the village treasury.

Location and Access to Teletubbies Village

If you are interested to visit this village Teletubbies then it’s good you know the location and access to this village. This dome house complex is located not far from Ratu Boko Palace, precisely in Nglepen Village, Sumberharjo Village, Prambanan Subdistrict, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Access that can be passed to reach this place you just enough down the highway Prambanan-Piyungan. Well, if you come from the direction of Prambanan, after going through the complex Ratu Boko Palace note the directions that are on the left of the road. From the highway you just left turn left following the directions available.

Study Tour Yogyakarta: Teletubbies Village Tour Study

Teletubbies Village in Sleman
Source: Teletubbies Village in Sleman

It is not unfamiliar if the city of Yogyakarta became a favorite city for study tour of out-of-town students. Every year there must be a lot of buses coming from out of town that deliver the students to study tour in Yogya.

If you really want to schedule a study tour or just want to just fill the school holidays, then this Yogya city is a destination that should be the main destination. It is clear that interesting and historical attractions will be the first recommendation such as Yogyakarta Palace, Prambanan Temple, Borobudur, and Malioboro.

Yogyakarta city is also famous as a city of education, no wonder many students are dreaming to be able to continue college in Yogyakarta, so you can also visit the best campus in Yogyakarta such as UGM, UNY, UIN, UMY, Politekes and other campus accordingly with your interest.

In addition to visiting these places, you should not miss study tour to Teletubbies Village. While you have the opportunity to visit Yogyakarta, it would be nice to drop by this Dome Teletubbies Home.

Well that is Teletubbies Village Yogyakarta you should make your tourist destination during a visit to this gudeg city. How? Interested in vacation looking at home dome Teletubbies? Let’s invite family, friends, or anyone to come here!

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