Baron Beach; The Beach which is Mystical and Exotic

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Baron Beach

40 kilometers from the city center of Yogyakarta, precisely in Gunung Kidul Regency, there is a beach that forms the letter U. On the right and left of the beach there are also cliffs that stand stout against the waves.

To reach Baron beach tour, you can use private vehicles such as cars or motorcycles. Even if you come with a group, you can also use the tourist bus transportation.

Entering Baron tourist parking area you will be immediately greeted with a variety of restaurants serving seafood. Both processed and still raw.

The aroma of Seafood food served will really spoil your nose. Nothing wrong if then you try a variety of Seafood food served before playing on the beach.

After passing a row of kiosks that sell a variety of good seafood that has been processed would have still raw. Also a row of kiosks selling knick knacks from the typical Baron Beach.

You will begin to enter Dan’s beach area to be greeted with a row of unused ships on the beach. Unused ship area is usually become one of the favorite places for visitors berswafoto.

As already mentioned above down after passing the unused ship area you can then see the right and left side of the beach which is decorated with cliff cliffs.

At the top of the reef on the left you will find a white lighthouse. To reach it you have to pass the stairs on the edge of the cliff and pay for Rp2.000.

This lighthouse is also one of the most photographed place of interest of visitors. Although to reach the lighthouse is not an easy road as it has to climb the stairs.

Also when you’ve reached the lighthouse there is also still have to climb the ladder to get to the top of the lighthouse. Do not give up first because after you climb the child will be presented a very interesting scenery.

Standing on the peak of the lighthouse with a breeze that blows lightly on the beautiful coastline as well as the soothing waves of the waves. A sensation that you really need to feel when visiting the Baron Beach.

Besides the lighthouse, the road to the lighthouse is also an interesting place for you to take pictures. The road we are going to also has beautiful scenery with rows of green grass and beach views from the top of the hill.

If you do not want to be too tired to climb to the top of the cliff you can also take pictures with the lighthouse from the beach area. You can go to school walking by the beach against the backdrop of a lighthouse building on a hill.

Another unique thing about Baron Beach is the existence of underground rivers. Although the river is located close to the beach but the water owned by this river it’s still fresh tasteless.

Well if you do not dare to play on the beach because the waves are quite swift you can play in the flow of the fresh river. If you come with your child or your injuries are still small this river could be your alternative to play water.

Amenities at Baron Beach

Baron Beach in Jogja

Next I will tell you about what facilities are available at Baron Beach. Just like any other beach tour that surely the west coast has bathroom facilities.

So after playing sand or playing water on the beach you can immediately clean yourself in the bathroom by paying Rp2.000 to Rp5.000. Bathrooms are available in number is also quite a lot so no need to queue.

If you later forget to bring a change of clothes or even equipment to clean yourself. Some Kiosks in the parking area will provide your needs, from toiletries to change clothes.

In addition to your Islamic Baron Beach also provides mosque facilities. So If your paid time is nearing the time to worship you can immediately implement it in the mosque.

As already mentioned above also Baron Beach has facilities in the form of Seafood food stalls that have been processed. So if you are hungry after playing you can just go to the seafood shop.

One more facility that needs to be on the beach tour and also owned by Baron Beach tour. It is a timsar that will help if a victim is drowned or drifted on the beach.

The SAR team headquarters at Baron Beach are situated by the beach and can directly monitor all the activities undertaken on the beach. All SAR team workers at Baron Beach have also been trained to deal with disasters that may occur instantaneously.

Also do you know where the Baron name came from? The name of the goods taken from one of the ketoprak figure is Baron sekeber. Yes is one of the figures ketoprak Dutch nationality and is one of the Dutch nobility.

Narrated in ketoprak that the Baron skeber has a supernatural power that able to fight in Jogjakarta. Well because it used to be in Baron Beach became one of the Dutch troop hiding place.

So do not be surprised if then the name Baron skeber connected with Dutch troops hiding in Baron Beach area. It is also what makes the Baron as the name of this beach.

Study Tour to Baron Beach

Several times to visit Baron Beach I always find a row of parked bus bis bus. Also some entourage sitting on a mat in front of the seafood shop.

Make me conclude that Baron Beach is one of the favorite beaches visited by tourists when visiting Jogjakarta. So what about you do not want to visit here?

After reading this article Are you just looking for the beauty of the west coast through photographs spread in social media or will decide to directly arrange a schedule for a trip to Baron Beach.

If you will visit Baron Beach you can also hire the services of a tour guide who will take you from the center of Jogjakarta directly to Baron Beach.

Especially if you come with a group would be very easy if you hire a study tour or tour guide. In addition it will show you the way the tour guide will also guide you during your stay at Baron Beach.

We wait for your beautiful photos during playing at Baron Beach Do not forget to keep clean and preserve what is in Baron Beach. Do not throw garbage carelessly or damage existing facilities.

Because Baron Beach is one of the beauty of Indonesia that we should keep and we are proud to the international world. Not only Bali Yogyakarta can also become a Heaven of the World if you take care and preserve it.

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