Taman Sari: The Halls of the Royal Road and the King and Queen Baths

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Tour in Taman Sari
Source: http://www.bookprimera.com/taman-sari-yogyakarta-wisata-taman-air-masa-lalu/

Taman Sari – Yogyakarta until now offers one of the best tourist attractions in Indonesia ranging from nature tourism, historical tours, culinary tourism to the most popular tourists from the aroma of history that is still attached to the culture of the palace.

One of the many aromas of historical tourism with the culture of the palace is still in the Taman Sari Jogja. The beauty and aroma of the palace that used to be the palace palace garden as well as a fortress in the years 1758 – 1766 which was founded by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.

Its location is close to Keraton Hadiningrat which only takes 20 minutes from north palace palace and now become popular tourist place in Yogyakarta which become the destination of domestic and foreign tourists.

Taman Sari in Jogja has an area of ​​more than 10 hectares with about 57 buildings including swimming baths, buildings, suspension bridges, water canals, or artificial lakes, artificial islands and underwater aisles.

But the Jogja sari garden, once known as “The Fragrant Garden”, is now only seen by the remnants of the sari section in the southwest of the Kedaton complex.

Whereas the story in 1765 – 1812 stretched from the southwest of Kedaton complex to the southeast of the Magangan complex. Because it is now reduced due to the many settlements in some complexes.

It is said that Taman Sari was founded on the old palace of Garjitawati pesanggrahan built by Paku Buwono II as a horse-drawn carriage which usually goes to Imogiri.

Headed by the head of Sari Park development project selected Tumenggung Mangundipuro which all the development cost is borne by Regent of Tumenggung Prawiro Sentiko madiun along with all the people.

Madiun is therefore exempt from tax collection. Amid the construction of Mangundipuro resigned the unknown why it was later replaced by Prince Notokusumo.

Although inaugurated as the Garden of the palace but some buildings also indicate as the last bastion if attacked by the enemy which is one of the architects of this park Demang Tegis Portuguese nationality.

Taman Sari Jogja is now divided into four parts of which the first part is an artificial lake located in the West and the second part to the south is also an artificial lake Binul umbul bath.

The third part is Garjitawati Pond and Pasarean Ledok Sari in the south. The fourth part is a composite of the first and second sections that extend eastward to the southeast of the Magangan complex.

Part One Pulo Kenongo, Pulo Cemethi and Gumuling Wells

Entrance Fee Taman Sari
Source: http://www.bookprimera.com/taman-sari-yogyakarta-wisata-taman-air-masa-lalu/

In the first section we are presented which in its golden age is the most exotic place made of artificial lake called Segaran literally Segaran = artificial sea.

Here is a place to boast the sultan and the royal family. In addition it is also functioned to maintain various types of fish. But now the condition is quite apprehensive because it no longer contains water and become a dense settlement known kampung park.

In the middle of this Segaran there is an artificial pulo called Pulo Kenongo because many planted Kenanga trees.

There stands a two-story building “Gedhung Kenongo” from the highest platform you can see the area of ​​Yogyakarta palace and its surroundings beyond the fortress baluwarti.

The building is quite fascinating because from a distance we like floating on the water so named the Water Castle (Water Castle).

To the south of Pulo Kenongo is a tunnel of underwater tunnel vents called Tajug. This tunnel is for you who want an artificial lake by boat or boat because it is the entrance to Pulo Kenongo.

Formerly in the western part there is also a tunnel but is now not used anymore because it is not better maintained this southern part.

To the south of Pulo Kenongo there are also Cemethi pulo and Pulo Panembung which is said to be the seat of meditation sultan and seek enlightenment. And west of the pulp kenongo stored well-shaped circular ring called Gumuling Well.

This building can only be entered through an underwater tunnel and used as a mosque that has an acoustic design. On both walls a niche is used as a mihrab, here, without a loud scream will be heard in all directions until now. And in the middle of the building there is a trap one of which there is a pool that is used as a place of ablution.

Part Two Gedhong-gedong and Umbul Binangun

How to Get to Taman Sari
Source: https://www.jejakpiknik.com/taman-sari-jogja/

In the second part there are several gedhong-gedhong palace consisting of Gedhong Gapura hageng, gedhong Lopak-Lopak, gedhong sekawan, gedhong Gapura Panggung, gedong temanten and most attract tourists is Umbul Pasiraman or known as Umbul Binangun.

Umbul Binangun is a bathing place of Sultan, Empress, wives (garwo ampil) and princesses. The place is surrounded by a high wall and there are two western and eastern gates to enter it.

Here are three pools that are decorated with fungi-shaped springs that surround the giant flower pots laid to decorate them.

In the north there is a building which is a place of rest and change clothes for the princess and wife (concubine). In the south there are 2 pools of Umbul Muncar and blumbang kuras. Western wing buildings where changing clothes and east wings to rest the Sultan.

In his time here may only be entered by the Sultan and only women who can enter because all the perempan including the empress, wife (concubines) and sultan’s daughter who came here off clothes and naked so that other than women are strictly prohibited to enter here by the Sultan.

This is where the Water Palace where the king’s baths and queens and princesses of old can be perceived by visitors.

Stunning buildings with beautiful architecture and captivating blend of Europe, Hindu, Javanese and Chinese complete with secret rooms and hallways that hold a lot of cultural stories of the palace.

The charm and splendor of Taman Sari is still stored in the ruins of buildings that we can not see the fragrance of the old flowers of the surrounding.

But the rest of the beauty and grandeur can still be seen visually by the tourists who visit.

Swimming bath that became the main magnet of tourists because it seemed to be king and the empress was bathing. In fact, now bathing pools are often used for spot prewedding photos and youthful taking pictures.

Part Three

Taman Sari in Jogja City
Source: https://www.bakpiamutiarajogja.com/tamansari-water-castle-yogyakarta/

This passage does not leave so many traces we can see that any description of the reconstruction.

This section includes Pasarean Dalem Ledok Sari and garjitawati pond complex. The plaza of Sari is still well preserved until now which was once the seat of the sultan’s sultan with its empress. In the center of the building is the Sultan’s bed under which the water flows.

It is estimated that in this section there is a kitchen, tailor room, storage room, and two ponds for waiters as well as spice gardens, fruits, and vegetables. To the West there used to be a complex of Garjitawati ponds.

If that is true, then this area is the rest of Garjitawati guesthouse and most probably also the Pacethokan Banners ever used by Panembahan Senopati.

Part Four

sumur gumuling in taman sari jogja
Source: https://yuk-touring.blogspot.com/2015/11/wisata-sejarah-istana-air-taman-sari.html

This last part is part of Taman Sari that is not left except the former suspension bridge and the rest of the dock. The description in this section is almost entirely a reconstruction of the British troop attack on the Royal Palace of Yogyakarta in 1812.

This section consists of an artificial lake and buildings in the center, a park around an artificial lake, a large canal connecting this artificial lake with an artificial lake in the first part, as well as a garden.

The artificial lake is located southeast of the Magangan complex to the northeast of Siti Hinggil Kidul. In the midst of it is hidden artificial island which is supposedly called “Pulo Kinupeng”.

Above the island stands a building that is said to be called “Gedhong Gading”. This towering building is called the city tower (Cittadel Tower).

The large canal is on the northwest side of the artificial lake and extends westward and ends on the southeast side of the artificial lake in the first section. In this channel there are two constraints that are expected to be the suspension bridge.

One of the bridges is located on the road connecting the Magangan complex with Kamandhungan Kidul. The remains of this bridge can still be seen, even though the bridge itself has been destroyed.

To the west of the suspension bridge there is a dock. This dock is said to be used as the starting point of Sultan’s entrance to Taman Sari. It is said that the Sultan entered Taman Sari by boating.

To the south of the Canal is a garden. The garden is located west of the Kamandhungan Kidul and Siti Hinggil Kidul complexes. Now the whole place is already a residential area. The garden has changed into Ngadisuryan village while the artificial lake changed into Segaran village.

If we talk about Jogja is endless with the classic theme that leaves various moments and memories of the inherent palace and nuance ethnic nuances of Java are still thick here.

In fact, the head of his area is still led by the Sultan and the king even though Indonesia is now a republic and not a royal state anymore.

Destination that spoil the eyes with heritage various visual works, photography to film. Taman Sari Jogja is used as the location of filming FTV and a number of films because the beautiful village with a panorama of classical Javanese nuance with beauty and scenic beauty offers all the memorable pleasure of course.

All of that certainly indirectly helped boost the promotion of this attraction plus the many adorned visitors from a number of accounts that tag Jogja Taman Sari tourism this.

The more days the development of this tour is increasing along with the development of technology, social media the number of arrivals of domestic and foreign tourists increased.

Taman Sari jogja is managed under the palace of Jogja. Once the citizens are also not wasted opportunity to build this tour.

By conducting general guidance on citizens and community service providers conducted in the field of tourism.

This has a positive impact on the economic improvement of the citizens as well as expanding employment. The former was just a tour guide now citizens are also involved in the parking business, culinary to open a typical gift shop Jogja.

Open Schedule and Entry Fee

Guide to Taman Sari
Source: http://jotuindonesia.com/taman-sari-istana-air-penuh-keindahan/

For those of you who are interested in visiting the charm of the Water Palace and bathing Experience in the baths of Raja and Permaisuri Keraton Yogyakarta, do not need to pocket and drain the bag, because with tickets of 5,000 rupiah and 10,000 rupiah for foreign tourists (not up to $ 1) is enough to enjoy the view and panorama and uncover the romanticism of the Mataram kingdom in the past.

There is a cheap guide service that will be offered at the time of ticket purchase worth 25000 rupiah but you can not need it if you prefer yourself or enjoy the scenery with your spouse or friends.

Water palace is opened from 08.00 am until 04.00 pm because you should visit in the morning or afternoon because if the evening or evening this area is quite dark and quiet that certainly there is a haunted aroma.

But now even though there are now and now there are many swimming baths at this time visitors are not allowed to soak in the pool.

Popular tourist attractions in yogyakarta has been used as a cultural heritage that must be protected and maintained its sustainability is feared if opened to the public baths in the pool will damage its authenticity.

Moreover, we know the people of Indonesia who are less aware of the meaning of cleanliness because there are still many we see around us who throw garbage carelessly.

Water Palace Taman Sari Yogyakarta is a cultural heritage of the palace and religious tourism that must be preserved and maintained its authenticity. Here, you will be invited to adventure in the past with a sense of panoramic beauty of the architecture of beautiful buildings and down the dark and exotic hallways.

A gentle fountain in the middle of the pool that becomes an oasis ready to welcome your arrival. Shadows of blue sky and blue and white clouds bouncing off the clear water surface will certainly spoil your eyes.

The old walls that still look solid in a beige color reinforce the impression of a beautiful classic beautiful. So really lucky you are born in the present because it was only allowed to be entered by the Sultan and his family.

But you do not imagine the Sultan who is given the pleasure of heaven of the world here surrounded by the beautiful body and naked empress and his wife (concubine) we can not imagine.

Well, it would be difficult to imagine the beauty of Taman Sari Jogja charm if you have not come directly and feel it yourself.

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