How to Get to Borodubur from Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bali and Singapore?

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Borobudur Temple How to Get to Borodubur from Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bali and Singapore?

How to Get to Borodubur from Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bali and Singapore?

Route Towards Borobudur Temple

Access to Borobudur Temple is considered very easy. We can use various transportation stains from various directions. The well-paved road with a dissertation of guiding directions has made it easier for us to find locations to Borobudur temple. Internet network accessibility maximizes us in finding the location of Borobudur Temple using Google Map.

In addition to relying on technology and existing infrastructure to help us find the location of Borobudur Temple, here we will describe the route to Borobudur Temple.

How to Get to Borodubur from Yogyakarta

Borobudur temple is located in the direction of Azzimuth 330 ° 11 ‘11.913 “(Northwest side) of Yogyakarta.The straight distance between them is about 24.89 km, but the distance is 37 km with approximate travel time about 1 hour 3 minutes.

If you are on vacation in Jogja and want a visit to Borobudur temple located in Magelang, Central Java, then you can use some alternative transportation stains according to your choice, including:

Personal Transportation (Cars / Motor)

By using private transportation either car or motorcycle you can follow the route from Yogyakarta to Cand Borobudur through Magelang street. Follow the route straight Magelang way to find the guide name Borobudur Temple Tour.

The route is about 37 km with a distance of about 1 hour 3 minutes (can be less or more depending on road conditions). Expenses incurred in accordance with vehicle fuel disposal costs.

TransJogja Bus Transportation

Transjogja facility facilities facilitate us in accessing tourist attractions, one of them to Borobudur Temple. From any direction in Jogja, take the transjogja with the direction toward Terminal Jombor.

Do not hesitate to ask the officer and you will be told the bus code transjogja to the terminal Jombor. The tariff is very affordable, ie only spend Rp. 3,500.00. Arriving terminal Jombor you continue the journey by taking a local bus at a rate of Rp. 10,000 domestic and foreign tourists Rp. 20,000.

In addition to using the transport model, you can easily use other transportation such as ride Taxi, Ojek Online, and so forth. In particular, the routes are almost the same.For those who board the plane and get off at Adisutcipto Airport you can continue the journey by transjogja bus or other vehicle. For those who take the train can go down at Tugu station and continue the journey using Transjogja Bus or other vehicles.

Summary Other Routes to Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple How to Get to Borobudur

– From Jakarta To Yogyakarta via Line Pantura: Jakarta> Toll Jakarta – Cikampek> Jatibarang> Paliman> Paliman Toll – Kanci> Kanci Toll – Pejangan> Brebes> Tegal> Pekalongan> Weleri> Magelang> Borobudur

– From Jakarta To Yogyakarta Via South Line: Jakarta> Jakarta Toll> Cikampek> Purbaleunyi Toll> Cileunyi> Rancaekek> Nagreg> Limbangan> Malangbong> Major> Karangpucung> Wangon> Kebumen> Kutoarjo> Purworejo> Borobudur .

– From Surabaya To Yogyakarta: Surabaya> Mojokerto> Jombang> Ngawi> Sragen> Solo> Klaten> Yogyakarta> Borobudur

– Using Aircraft Destination Adisucipto Airport Yogyakarta: Take TransJogja to Terminal Giwangan / Terminal Jombor> Take the Local Bus from the Department of Borobudur or from the Airport directly take the Damri bus to Magelang and get off at the Borobudur junction.

– Using Train down Monument Station> ride TransJogja line 2 B to Jombor terminal and then take the Local Bus

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