One attempt to escape from fatigue is with a vacation. We are sometimes bored with a myriad of jobs that require more 20
Penetrating Highlight “Light of Heaven” Jomblang Cave
Jomblang Cave is one of the interesting tourist destinations still in the area of ​​Yogyakarta Special Region. Precisely in the village of 20
Parangtritis Beach; The Icon of Jogja Beach
There is one beach which is quite famous in Yogyakrta. His name is Parangtritis Beach. This beach save a variety of uniqueness, 20
Parangtritis Beach which Mystical and Romantic!
Jogja is well known to the wider community, both from within and abroad. As a tourist destination, Yogyakarta offers many diverse options, 20
Unraveling Natural Enchantment in the Jogja Pine Forest
Imogiri Pine Forest – In this day and age, tourists are smarter. The reason, they are vacationing not only want to see 20
Sri Gethuk Waterfall; Thunderous Sound in The Silence in High Mountain
Now, we are going through Gunung Kidul again. If the article yesterday I told my trip to Indrayanti Beach, is also still 20
Taman Sari: The Halls of the Royal Road and the King and Queen Baths
Taman Sari – Yogyakarta until now offers one of the best tourist attractions in Indonesia ranging from nature tourism, historical tours, culinary 20
10 Enchantment Indrayanti Beach/Pulang Syawal Beach
Indrayanti Beach – Jogja indeed makes a longing in every corner. No exception in one corner of Jogja named Gunung Kidul district. 20
Plaosan Temple “Lor” and “Kidul”
Plaosan Temple or commonly referred to as Twin Temple, has two separate main buildings. The two buildings are then given the nickname 20
Plaosan Temple; The Magnificent Temple Near the Prambanan Temple
Explore Jogja and find a thousand beauty there! One slogan of reflex I say. I think it is not excessive. Jogja city 20