Jogja is well known to the wider community, both from within and abroad. As a tourist destination, Yogyakarta offers many diverse options, ranging from artistic tourism, culture, religion, education to the extraordinary natural panorama.
Among them all, Parangtritis Beach or the general public call it the term PARIS (Parangtritis Beach) which is one of the most complete tours that offer a variety of choices.
Parangtritis beach is very suitable visited by various circles, both children, young, and adults. Suitable also for those who want to fill the holiday time alone or with a partner or family to remove the daily routine tired to be more fresh.
The reason, Parangtritis Beach presents a variety of natural charm that will make you feel at home and linger there – not inferior to Kuta Beach in Bali. Blowing breeze and the sound of waves on the edge of the beach full of stretch of white sand that slopes make the atmosphere soothing and spacious mind.
Although in the daytime blazing hot, you will still feel the sensation of the beach that is not less fun by enjoying a fresh drink of fresh young coconut ice with a little spend around Rp. 7.000,00’s.
The romantic atmosphere will increase as the twilight greets as the sun sinks on the western horizon by enjoying the Grilled Corn.
Route to Parangtritis Beach

To enjoy all the atmosphere, we just travel + 27 km from downtown (from Malioboro, Tugu or Keraton Jogja) to Parangtritis Beach. Access road to Parangtritis Beach is very cheap and easy to reach by public and private transportation.
The route travel to get there very much. However, for those of you who first to Jogja can try the easiest route from the point of zero km Maliobro-Keraton Jogja. From there, for those of you who use the Transport itself can go directly to the west point zero km to meet Taman Wisata Pintar and next to it there is a crossroad of red lights.
Turn right onto Jln. Brigadier Katamso. Straight course continue to pass through Jogjatronik Electronic Center to stamp red light Pojok Beteng Wetan (JokTeng). From there, straight south towards Jl. Parangtritis or Jogja people often call it by the term JAPAR (Jalan Parangtritis). Follow the path to the South until you reach Parangtritis Beach.
For those of you who will use public transportation. You can use TransJogja Bus service from the nearest stop by just spend Rp. 3.500, – to terminal Giwangan. From the terminal you can choose the Parangtritis bus line.
During the trip, you will be treated to the charm of rural beauty. Along the side of the road lay a vast expanse of rice fields. In addition, you will pass some tourist attractions that can be visited also, such as Rumah Budaya Tembi, Paris Sewon House, Gabusan Art Market, Manding Leather Craft Tourism Village, until the tourist complex Parangtritis Beach.
Facilities at Parangtritis Beach

Ticket levy entrance Parangtritis Beach area of Rp. 5,000 / person and for motor vehicle subject to additional tariff of Rp. 2,000 / motorcycle and Rp. 5,000 / car. The parking rates around the tourist sites are charged Rp. 2,000 / motorcycle and Rp. 5,000 / car. So very cheap really travel to Parangtritis Beach which on average per person only spend + Rp. 15.000s / person.
In addition to enjoying the beach, along Parangtritis Beach there can perform a variety of fun activities, such as kite playing, photo hunting, souvenir hunting and Jogja special food as many shops and food stalls are available along the Beach.
In addition, there are various facilities such as toilets and lodging / homestay. If you do not want to be tired around Parangtritis Beach from East to West end, you can rent ATV (motorcycle 4) with rent price around Rp. 50.000-Rp. 100.000, or ride Bendi (Andong-Kuda Train) about Rp. 20,000.
Not satisfied with that, you are still offered another, namely Parangwedang Hot Water Bathing based on research contain sulfur (sulfur) and believed to treat various diseases.
In the West, you can see the wide view of Parangtritis Beach at Puncak Tebing Gembirawati and you can also try Paral ayang sport from there.
To the east, there is a runway Pacu, Sand Gumuk a vast expanse of desert sand rides that play Skateboard sand and Geospatial Museum. Around that there is also Parangkusumo Beach which is believed Java community as petilasan Sultan Agung with Kanjeng Ratu Selatan, Nyo Roro Kidul.
The legend is also a hallmark of the presence of different Parangtritis Beach with other beaches in Indonesia. Parangtritis beach has a uniqueness in nature, culture, and religion in it.
Based on the information obtained from the community’s trust, Parangritis Beach became the embodiment of Trimurti unity in Jogja, ie from the north there is Mount Merapi as an element of fire, and the South is Parangtritis Beach as the element of water and the existence of the Jogja Palace that acts as a counterweight to both in an imaginary line.
It is said that Parangtritis Beach is also believed to be the gate of the South Sea kingdom led by Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, Nyo Roro Kidul. Thus, in Parangtritis Beach often found rituals, both by the Palace of Jogja and citizens sekitra.
One such ritual is Labuhan. In the ritual, the caretaker and the messenger from the Palace of Jogja wove the offerings to the high seas in the hope of obtaining blessings, salvation, and tranquility.
In addition to the mystery story of Nyai Roro Kidul, Parangtritis Beach is also told as a meeting place Panembahan Senopati with Sunan Kalijaga after Panembahan Senopati after undergoing hermitage.
So, fair if other than as a place of recreation, Parangtritis also become a sacred location. Not a few visitors come to meditate. This beach also became one of the place of the ceremony of Labuhan of Kraton Jogja.
Beginning Naming Beach Parangtritis

According to the history of the early naming of Parangtritis Beach is when an escape from the kingdom of Majapahit which reached the sea area with a large wavy. He meditated in that place. A lot of water is “tumaritis” or dripping from a “machete” or crevices of a rock. He then named it as parangtritis, or means water dripping from the crevice of the rock.
The myth then continued during the era of the kingdom of mataram. Javanese kings are believed to have a special relationship with the ruler of the South Sea is Nyi Roro Kidul. The relationship is believed to last until now. Even if my friend read srtikel about Yogyakarta Palace Tourism pal you will find that the construction of the palace was in harmony with the South coast.
According to one story, the relationship between the palace and the kings of Java with Nyi Roro Kidul originated from the semedi Panembahan Senopati, the founder of Mataram Islamic Kingdom who while meditating in the South Sea met with Nyi Roro Kidul. Interwoven love relationship between them and Nyi Roro Kidul then promised to help and keep in touch with the descendants of Panembahan Senopati.
Another myth that is believed in this beach is the ban on wearing a green shirt around the area of Parangtritis Beach. Green color is believed to be the favorite color of the queen launt South, and also the color of the troops clothing.
Wearing a green color is believed to make a pal will roll up the waves while swimming on the beach. Apart from all the myths that exist, Parangtritis Beach Visitors still have to be careful because the waves there can be spelled out very large. Hence, visitors are forbidden to bathe on the beach because the beach landscape is very steep and dangerous.
Visitors who travel to Parangtritis Beach generally get a warning not to bathe at certain moments and in certain locations as well. Parang beach waves are notoriously big. At certain times the wave height can reach 5 to 7 meters so spilling up into the parking lot.
The reason why the waves on this great Parangtritis Beach is probably because Parangtritis Beach is directly opposite the vast ocean, the Indian Ocean. The wind from across the mainland drove, pushing the waves without a hitch.
With high-speed wind-driven waves that hit the mainland so that the wave height reached 5 meters more. Compare with coastal beaches in other areas that are usually located between 2 islands.
Many get a visit, visitors drowning events are also common in Parangtritis Beach. Victims drowned in Parangtritis Beach is usually anyone, do not select choose age, not picky gender. Even though there is a stanby sar team on site plus a warning board to be careful while playing water on Parangtritis Beach, the death toll from drowning still happens.
Apparently the cause of the many victims drowned in Parangtritis Beach is due to the Rip curent. Rip current is a high-speed backflow to the high seas.
If there are 2 waves coming to the mainland from two different directions, the encounter 2 of the current generates a backflow that goes to the middle of the sea at a speed of 80 km / h more. If there are visitors who are bathing in the sea and happen to be in the area of this 2-wave encounter, then most likely he will be dragged into the middle and powerless to fight.
Every visitor who drowned, no matter how hard the effort to search usually the body of the victim was not immediately found that day. The body is usually found to float itself not far from its sinking location. This pattern then raises the notion that the bodies of the victims drowned in Parangtritis Beach hidden and borrowed for a moment by Nyi Roro Kidul.
After being observed, the bodies of the victims drowned in Parangtritis Beach is not because it is hidden by Nyi Roro Kidul. The reason is because in Parangtritis Beach there are 2 troughs. The first trough is located in southern South SAR team posts.
While the second is in front of the new terminal area. The trough jutted into the land at the bottom. If there are visitors who are dragged by the Rip Current, then for a while the position of the victim’s body will go into the trough is buried with sand sediment. The body will then be lifted by itself after a while with a change of direction of the waves
Reportedly South beach queen Nyi Roro Kidul really like the color green. In the painting, he is wearing a green shirt. Therefore visitors Parangtritis as much as possible forbidden to wear green clothes.
Afraid if wearing a green shirt, Nyi Roro kidul will love it and make the visitors are servants in the Southern coastal kingdom. Another term visitors with a green shirt will be drowned by Queen Nyi Roro Kidul.
Apparently according to the caretaker there is a ban on wearing green clothes that relate to the color of sea water in Parangtritis Beach is a little greenish. If visitors wear green clothes, and drowned then the SAR team will have difficulty in searching. The cause is because the color of his dress disguised with the color of sea water is also green. So, the ban on green clothes as favored by Nyi Roro Kidul is just a myth.
Travel Tips to Parangtritis Beach

Every time we take a break, it would be better if we are aware of the safety of our lives. Especially when vacationing on the beach. Some things you need to underline that Parangtritis Beach is a beach that has a big wave.
Therefore, some of these tips hopefully can remind us all to always keep the security and safety:
1. Do not litter
Vacation to the beach will be very exciting if the beach sand is clean. Departing from it, would remind each other to maintain cleanliness would be important. Throw garbage in trash.
2. Monitor Your Heart
Do not let you neglect for a moment. If you want to do activities, do not occasionally leave your baby to play alone on the coast. It’s good that your baby is always with you to avoid things that are less desirable.
The two tips above may already represent how we should travel on Parangtritis Beach. Furthermore, you can set up other support things to make your vacation more memorable.
Guide to Parangtritis Beach
Everyone should want a quality holiday, not complicated and fun. If you are already packed to prepare your vacation, it is better you entrust to Yogyakarta Study Tour Service.
The things you can get, you can order the vehicle you want, especially like food and goods to carry when you want lodging.
You can also ask for help what needs to be discussed when going to use tour services Parangtritis Beach. For example, you will leave alone, of course, will be different from the departure of the group.
Therefore, it may be intensely discussed starting to choose the right time, investment, food and other supplies.
So, to get exclusive tour quality, you do not need expensive. You are only suggested with us, so we will guide you through all the unique things about Parangtritis Beach tour.
Tell the relatives and friends of your relatives, if you want a vacation to Jogja, take Yogyakarta study tour service to be your friend. When to Jogja Again? We Most Understand Jogja.

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